It’s simple to generate shorten url based on long url using API.
For this we need to have account with which is free. After sign up completed, you will be provided with an API key
This API key can be used to access the API. Below is the code for API class in c#
public static class BitlyApi
private const string apiKey = "[add api key here]";
private const string login = "[add login name here]";
public static BitlyResults ShortenUrl(string longUrl)
var url =
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(longUrl), login, apiKey);
var resultXml = XDocument.Load(url);
var x = (from result in resultXml.Descendants("nodeKeyVal")
select new BitlyResults
UserHash = result.Element("userHash").Value,
ShortUrl = result.Element("shortUrl").Value
return x.Single();
public class BitlyResults
public string UserHash { get; set; }
public string ShortUrl { get; set; }
Now, we can generate short url as below:
string strShortUrl = BitlyApi.ShortenUrl(“<long url>”).ShortUrl;
Happy Coding…